If you have spare time, we invite you for many day trips. In addition to southern Kazakhstan, you can also visit Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. It all depends on your imagination, financial possibilities and, most importantly, time. All trips begin and end in Almaty, but we try to be flexible and adapt the plan to the needs of customers. We suggest combining several countries in one round.

For example, Kazakhstan plus Kyrgyzstan. The beginning of the trip is in Almaty then you Altyn Emel National Park, Charyn Canyon, Timrlik Canyon, Kolsai Lake and Kaindy. Then Kyrgyzstan Karakol city near the lake Issyk-Kul. Zheta — Ozuz, possible access to the Alakol Lake. Road along the southern coast of Issyk-Kul, Canyon Fairytale, Barskoon gorge (4000 meters), Son-Kohl lake, Buran Tower, Bishkek, Almaty. This trip lasts an average of nine to ten days.

There are many options, we will prepare the best route for you according to your wishes. The cost of such a trip, economy version, for one car up to six people — $150 a day. The price includes transport, fuel, guide services, tents, sleeping bags and other camping equipment. (accommodation in hotels, boarding houses, yurts, food and tickets — paid separately