Big Almaty Lake tectonic origin. The earthquake in the cavity formed lake, which is surrounded by mountain peaks, with towering peaks: the peak of the Soviets (4317 m), Lake Peak (4110 m) and the peak Tourist (3954 m).

Lakeside abrupt and steep, coastline length of 3 km. Lake depth of 30-40 m, fed by glacial melt water, which is brought from the south of the river Big Almaty, and is 1.6 km long and 0.75-1 km wide.

The water temperature in the lake even in the summer does not exceed 8 degrees. And in the winter it is covered by a thick crust of ice, drawing some tourists to skate.

The maximum water level in the BAO can be seen in August and in February — is minimal.

At various times, the lake takes on different shades of dull yellow in the summer and the spring light green to turquoise blue autumn and winter ice.

Above the lake are «Tien-Shan Astronomical Observatory» (2700 m) and cosmic ray research station (Space station) (3300 m).

The road to the lake is quite complicated and requires experience in driving. Most of the path is the rise of a winding gravel road.

Big Almaty Lake is located in the Ile-Alatau National Park, two hours drive from the city of Almaty.

On the way back at the request of falconry you can visit the farm where you can watch the show (hunting with birds of prey).