In Aksai gorge in the Ile-Alatau National Park, 20 kilometers west of the city of Almaty, on the slopes of the gorge Kyzyl Zhar (Red breakage) built a monastery — the spiritual center of the Orthodox, the complex of religious buildings. The basis of it — a wooden cross gravestones and stone (rock) foot with an engraved inscription: «Hieromonk Seraphim and Feognost martyr killed 29 VII — 11 VIII 1921».

Above the hill — the so-called chapels canopy, nearby — a wide courtyard where farm buildings, a refectory and a modern two-storey house — a house for the priest; further — equipped springs whose water is considered holy; the slope poluobvalivshihsya several caves, which begins with the monastery, finally, the Church — a graceful, elegant temple buildings of specially imported Siberian larch warm yellow color with two different size soaring golden domes that fit perfectly harmonious choir tops of giant dark — green Tian -Shanskih firs.

The surroundings of the monastery, but like all the Aksai gorge, is extremely picturesque. Here, as in other tours, tourists get acquainted with the flora and fauna of the Trans-Ili Alatau. Besides Monastery Aksai gorge another interesting monument of nature — the Ak-Zharskiy (White steeper) collapse. It traces katastroficke earthquake in 1887, when the nearby gorge — the right tributary of the Aksai there was a grand collapse, exposing part of the steep northern slope. The volume of rock debris, counting on the scientists who made more than 40 million cubic meters! A small part of it is visible from the road through the gorge.